At Speeds

Real-time 3D application, 2023
Samuel Bianchini

Real-time 3D developer: Colin Bouvry
Motion capture expert: Anastasiia Ternova
3D graphics assistant: Dylan Egu

Curating: Abbaye de Maubuisson, centre d’art contemporain
Production: Départemental du Val d’Oise

Thanks: Mathis Barelle, Jean Dellac, Jean-Pierre Guillaume, Vincent Guttmann, Isabelle Landry-Quinette, Erwan Le Guennec, Marie Menestrier, Morgan Morizet, Cédric Plessiet, Sibylle Roquebert, Liya Tetka, Hanieh Yekta, Arnaud Zumaglia

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How can a human body be represented solely on the basis of its data? And, since we're talking about an athlete, what data should we retain, and how should we use it?
"At Speeds" takes the form of a computer-generated moving image. Against a black background, a sportsperson performs various actions common to different sports: running, jumping, avoiding, engaging, disengaging. But while the image is comprehensible, it is represented solely by white typographic signs, numbers: they give shape to the different parts of the body, while at the same time expressing their speed, their velocities. The numbers evolve as the body part they embody moves through space. The image thus formed inherits as closely as possible the data of a very real, captured body. Its movement has been captured and transposed into a generic, generated body, a 3D model faithful to the morphology of the original body but totally reconstituted by a computer. The image is now hybrid: forged and governed by data from tangible reality, but generated by a real-time 3D video game engine. It represents an encounter between sport and e-sport. And it raises questions about the possibility of translating our bodies and actions into numbers in this age of "quantify self", when our data is increasingly valuable.


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At Speeds, Samuel Bianchini, 2023
“Entrainement à l'image” Exhibition
Athletica (Center of excellence in sports), Eaubonne, France, September 2023
Photos: © Samuel Bianchini - ADAGP