Interactive sound installation, 2006 - 2009
Samuel Bianchini and Thierry Fournier
Voice: Maryseult Wieczorek
Production: Dispothèque and Écholalie
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Siren, Samuel Bianchini and Thierry Fournier, 2006 - 2009
Exhibition-demonstration, in the framework of the platform Interactions - Réalité virtuelle - Images (Pirvi), at the Institut de recherche sur les composants logiciels et matériels pour l’information et la communication avancée (Ircica), Lille, France, September 15, 2009.
Photographs: © Samuel Bianchini - ADAGP
Siren is an interactive sound installation. A white dot on a dark screen follows the movements the spectator traces on the screen, either using the mouse placed on the stand (version 1), or directly on a touch screen integrated into the stand itself (version 2). When not being manipulated, the installation emits the soft sound, barely audible, of human breathing. Moving the white dot causes a feminine voice to be heard. The sounds the voice emits seem at first to be stationary; very quickly, though, they start to vary in response to the spectator’s hand movements. As these gestures fan out and draw back in, accelerate or slow down, move or stay still, the sounds evolve, and so too does the spectator in the sound. The voice goes from breath to whisper, song to scream, from miniscule vocal fragments to incipient musical forms, as if the spectator were scanning the materiality and depth of the voice with his gesture. The voice reacts to the spectator at the same time that it summons him. This blind navigation between the spectator and the voice elicits both instrumental gestures and caresses. The song comes gradually to incarnate an acoustic body that unfolds and fans out in tandem with the haptic exploration, but whose interpretation, sensual as well as intellectual, is offered to the spectator.
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Siren, Samuel Bianchini and Thierry Fournier, 2006 - 2009
Montre-moi l’oeuvre autrement, collective exhibition, Fonds régional d’art contemporain de Haute-Normandie, France, from October, 2007.
Photographs: © Samuel Bianchini - ADAGP